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Sığınma sistemi > Belgeler için Kontrol Listesi

Foreigners' Registration Office

This authority is responsible for everything relating to  residence and permits. They issue and extend residence permits and visas. The office also provides identification documents. At the office you can get general information about the right of residence. The authority can also declare a work permit. Personal appointments are arranged. Please indicate your name, surname, birth date and the reason for your visit.

Theaterstraße 13
01067 Dresden
0351 4886461

Tue, Thu: 08:00 - 12:00, 14:00 - 18:00Fri: 08:00 - 12:00
http://www.dresden.de/de/02/or/or_struktur/strukturelemente/stadt_dresden_6351.php?lastpage=zum Anliegen